Property lease

Pay agreement to lease/licence to occupy invoice

You'll need

  • your customer number
  • your account or invoice number
  • a Visa/Mastercard credit or debit card
Step 1 of 3

Pay your lease/licence rent online for commercial, private and community groups occupying Council land.

Also, operating expense/outgoings such as admin fees, water and land rates oncharging and any other oncharges in relation to your lease/licence.

If you require assistance you can call us on 07 577 7000 or email

Online payment options
Debit or credit card – if you choose to pay by debit or credit card a surcharge of 1.3% is payable.

What are you paying for?

When paying multiple invoices or a single invoice with a prefix of 1, select: Rent/opex/outgoings
For a single invoice with a prefix of 3, select: Invoice (oncharge)

Please enter your customer number and your account number as shown on your invoice

* indicates a required field

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement

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